150.00 MAD

Dar Batha // 18h00

SKU: DB-22 Category:


Marc Alexandre Oho Bambe: voice and song
Alain Larribet: Indian harmonium, flutes, percussion

Fragments, Opera Slam

Originally, Fragments was an OLNI (ouvrage littéraire non-identifié in French, or a non-identified literary work).
A trilogy carried by the breath and words of Marc Alexandre Oho Bambe known as Captain Alexandre (poet and slammer), visuals by Fred Ebami (pop artist and graphic designer) and the blue music of Alain Larribet (singer and musician).
Poetry to relearn how to live, to escape beautifully from the world, to stay the trembling of the human soul in an incandescent language that overflows.
Sublime hope.
Fragments is also a flowing text that says, without dictating, the utopias that melt and make marchers out of some women and some men. In search of meaning, light and peace.
Poetry that stands out with all its tenderness, offering gentle vertigo and opening to clear mornings. Inside us.
Finally, Fragments is a journey, both intimate and universal, a ‘party invitation’ to everyone to dive into oneself to the rhythm and tempo of sentences and images and notes, sparks.
From souls to souls.
Capitan Alexandre, with the beautiful company of Alain Larribet, sings the possibles and the jubilation of being alive. The artists remind us of the light. It is time. Of ourselves.
This performance is both Baroque and contemporary, at the crossroads of disciplines and cultures, mixing poetry, slam, music and sacred song.