Opening creation

Opening creation

Opening creation

  • Date: 22 Jun 2018
  • Heure: 21:00
  • Lieu: Bab Al Makina
  • Prix: €60

On the theme of the present edition : Ancestral knowledge


And if the strings of the luth should vibrate

I shall sing my song

And, with my steady voice

Tunes full of symbols and metaphors

And you, making me drink divine wine from your amphora

And candles, like a lighthouse,  spreading their light

In such a fine and dreamlike atmosphere.

Ahmed Lel Grabli (XLXth Century weaver from Fez)


Alain Weber – Stage production and conception

 Ramzi Aburedwan –  Music direction

Christophe Olivier – Lighting designer

Franck Marty and Spectaculaires – Spectacle managers and image light operators. Scenographic creation (mapping)


In the Arabo-Islamic tradition, aspects of handicraft know-how are originally linked to a divine or prophetic revelation, as evidence for the desire to integrate a craft to a wisdom  and to a practical and daily spirituality. The craftsman models and works on the material in the same way as the divine intellect configures the Soul in order to produce the cosmos, using shapes and colors. Therefore, the cratsman’s gesture is like a fragment of the universal action of the Soul, creator of the universe. Such creation will, thus, be a great poetic and musical evocation of the privileged relationship prevailing in the City between architecture, handicraft, brotherhoods and crafts.  Such reflections shall be  nurtured by the thoughts of the great Arab philosophers, both ancient and modern, inspired by Greek philosophy, particularly that of Aristotle.

Mapping shall be sober and shall start from a black and white, very stylized graphic drawing which will successively give birth to a colorful historical architecture.  Work on geometric motifs, emanating from weaving mosaics and moucharaby, or from weaving motifs. It, then, shall integrate with kalam by Julien Breton, a live calligrapher (light-graph). Most prestigious artists from Morocco and the Arab world shall highlight the traditional and modern aspect of these art crafts.
