Writer-comedian, composer-singer

Born in Boujaad, Morocco. Coming from a triple French-Judeo-Moroccan culture, for some thirty years he has been committed to the renewal of Mahrouz, a mixed  artistic creation of languages, music and theatre. In parallel with his university studies in the Human Sciences, he pursued his artistic training as comedian, musician and singer. A member of El Mawsili ensemble of Arabic-Andalusian music, he is an actor in theatrical pieces of writers such as Liliane Atlan, Tahar Ben-Jelloun, Edmond Amran El Maleh, Amadou Hampâté Bâ, Henri Meschonnic, Juan Rulfoand Kateb Yacine, as well as his own creations and films, among which  « Où vas-tu Moshé ? » by Hassan Benjelloun in wwhich he had a lead role. He played in France and abroad, as well as in a number of festivals such as, in particular, Avignon, Bourges, Casablanca, Édinburgh, Fez, and Montréal….- 2015 – «Matrouz DVD+CD » – 2010, film « Matrouz » Documentary tale (dedicated to the memory of Pr0 Haïm Zafrani), which displays Matrouz « Coffret théâtral, musical, pédagogique et littéraire » – 1998 : « CD Matrouz » Al Sur – Media 7 – 2006 : 1st edition of « Mchouga-Maboul » Théâtre-Conte Matrouz, (Preface Edmond Amran El Maleh) Pub.  Les Patriarches – Dar al ‘Uns’