- The Moroccan artistic and cultral heritage is a treasure that we have inherited from our ancestors. Our duty is to preserve it, make it flourish and enhance its value in order to pass it on to the future generations.
Rachid Zeroual
Rachid Zeroual, who was initiated to music at a young age by his father, had a passion for nay very early. Soon, eminent musicians recognized his talent and the way he played with great sensitiveness; so they asked him to perform with them. Rachid Zeroual produced his first album The breath of the soul, a product of intensive research on Moroccan music and its Amazigh, Roman, African, Arabic and Andalucian origins. He came across scenes from Arch Sheep and Jean-Michel Jarre while he was proceeding with his career as solist and set up his own quintet with which he was invited to perform in famous festivals. A member of the Royal Orchestra, he was twice decorated by UNESCO. Through the weed of the nay, the wind becomes celestial and heavenly breath, while through that of gasbah it becomes a fierce mountain thunder. Every time, nature and the divine seem to get closer.